A blanket of snow covers the ground, insulating the earth during the cold of winter.
Nuthatches, juncos and chickadees are now regulars at the birdfeeders, keeping up their energy for the cold months ahead.
Resolutions are being made. Year end donations are being given. Holiday decorations are coming down.
It is a time when many of us reflect on the year just past -- and marvel at how much faster this year passed than years prior to this one. "Where did the time go?" "What did I accomplish this year?" are some of the laments heard.
Some reflection is good - lessons learned, friendships renewed, pounds lost. Too much reflecting can become dangerous -- dwelling on worries and regrets, all those "what ifs" and "if onlys" that we carry around with us.
As one thinks back on events passed, remember to keep an eye to the future - to the times ahead. Rather than worrying about the friends you didn't contact this year, resolve to make contact in 2011. Instead of beating oneself up for mistakes made this year, give yourself a break, and resolve to do better next year -- you can't change the past, but you can sure do something about tomorrow!
Wishing you all peace and happiness in the new year!
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