The seed donor points out the plants ripe for harvest, warning the collector away from the species that aren't native -- or are just too pushy(1) for a new planting.
The donor urges the collector to take more - there is plenty here, don't be timid - and even gathers seed that he places in the visitor's bag at the end of the outing. This act of generosity is moving in an unexpected way. Somehow, they are more than seeds now, for they represent hours of labor and a commitment to managing this natural area with fire and mowing and weed-pulling.
And the act of sharing seed passes not only the plant species from one place to another, but also the lessons of restoration from one person to the next, helping to ensure that the art and science of natural area management will spread throughout McHenry County along with the seeds...

The annual Seed Sharing Day in Alden Township took place on October 16th this year, bringing seed seekers together with seed sharers. As in years past, the 2010 event was a magical time when private landowners opened their properties to friends and strangers (with a stranger being a friend you don't know yet).
The event is a type of swap meet where those who have seed to contribute bring it along, and those who are seeking seed - either to enhance an existing project, or to seed a new area - are able to "shop" the seed table for species that will make their mix "just right".
Everyone brings along something to eat as well, which encourages people to stop long enough to have a bowl of chili or a few homemade cookies before heading home. And as they eat, they talk and share their experiences, lessons learned - good and bad. And the community grows stronger...
(1) Species like Indian grass and Big blue stem tend to top that list, as they grow well and spread quickly, making it difficult to establish other, less assertive, species!
1 comment:
You captured the spirit of the day very well!
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