At the December 17th board meeting, we officially hit - and passed - the 1,000 acre mark with the signing of five conservation easements totalling 383 acres! That took us to about 1150 acres)
And as of December 27th, we passed the 1,300 acre mark when an additional three easements (211 acres) and one land donation (44.6 acres) were signed by the board.
To put that into perspective, consider this:
A Section of Land is 640 acres - 1 square mile. TLC has now preserved more than two square miles of land in McHenry County. But, the impact of the land conservation projects TLC is completing will have more of an impact for more people in the county than a 2-square-mile block of protected land.
Two of our 2007 easements are to preserve farmland - a 158 acre parcel on the west side of Woodstock, and a 150 acre parcel on the northeast side of the City! For all future residents who drive the roads that pass these properties, they will be able to enjoy a scenic view of farmland, and will know that the land will not be developed - ever!
Well I agree but I contemplate the post should have more info then it has.
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