Logistics: Starline Gallery, 306 Front Street, Harvard, 6-10pm
Cost: $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Visit www.conservemc.org to make your reservation before Saturday! Admission includes appetizers from Duke's Ale House in Crystal Lake, assorted desserts (after 8pm), wine, Starbucks coffee, Great Art, Great Music, a Silent Auction, results of the Photo Contest and lots of really awesome people!!
Dress: Whatever is most comfortable for you! I'm going formal just because I NEVER get to do that!!
Photo Contest Results: This is one of th

Great Art! There will be art work from 16 talented local & regional artists -- all with a land-related theme! Most of the artwork will be for sale, with 40% of proceeds benefitting TLC's land preservation mission! Artwork ranges from large installation pieces to ceramic mushrooms, traditional oil paintings, fabric art, and so much more!
The silent auction includes items ranging from a Terry Evans photograph to a starter raingarden, orignial quilts, ceramic gnome, bird bath, and so much more! The silent auction closes at 8pm, so be sure to arrive before then so you have a chance to bid!
Glazz -- Woodstock's Latin Jazz group -- will be performing - a short set around 7:30pm, and a longer program after 8!!
If you want to take the Metra Train, there are a couple of options -- take the earlier train (4:51 from Crystal Lake) and arrive at 5:20 in Harvard, then get a bite to eat -- there are several bars with decent food all within a short walk from the train station - Bopps on Front Street, for instance. There is also a Mexican restaurant I am quite fond of called La Trinidad about 3 blocks south of the train station on Ayer Street. The Gallery is 3 blocks west of the train station at 306 Front Street!
The later train (leaves Crystal Lake at 6:51) arrives in Harvard at 7:20. The just 3 blocks west on Front Street to the Gallery!
Heading home, there is a 9:35 train from Harvard that will take folks to Woodstock, Crystal Lake & beyond! The train is just $5 on weekends for unlimited rides! Plus, it is a beautiful ride, especially between Woodstock & Harvard! It gives folks a good idea of what this "land preservation" thing is all about!!