Apparently, there is a new term emerging in "blog-dom." That term is "bleg," and it refers to people who ask for donations on their blogs.
Why would someone do that?
1. Well, if you are reading an organization's blog, then you must have some interest in what they are doing, so maybe you would be interested in financially supporting their work?
2. They need the funds, and they figure that some people might not know that there is an opportunity to help support the organization that they are reading about.
3. It can't hurt to ask, can it?
There is a rule in fundraising that most people do not give money to an organization unless they are asked to do so. There are exceptions, but I believe that rule holds true for most.
I can share an actual experience I had where I broke the rule. Nearly six years ago, I heard about an organization and decided I wanted to become a member. I talked to their sole staff person, and he gave me a brochure. But, the brochure had no information about joining, other than some general statement that people could support them by becoming members. So, I asked the staff person what the cost of membership was, and he wasn't sure - said he would get back to me. I then checked the website, and the membership categories were listed there, as was the mailing address, so I wrote a check for $20 and put it in the mail.
What organization was this?
Why would someone do that?
1. Well, if you are reading an organization's blog, then you must have some interest in what they are doing, so maybe you would be interested in financially supporting their work?
2. They need the funds, and they figure that some people might not know that there is an opportunity to help support the organization that they are reading about.
3. It can't hurt to ask, can it?
There is a rule in fundraising that most people do not give money to an organization unless they are asked to do so. There are exceptions, but I believe that rule holds true for most.
I can share an actual experience I had where I broke the rule. Nearly six years ago, I heard about an organization and decided I wanted to become a member. I talked to their sole staff person, and he gave me a brochure. But, the brochure had no information about joining, other than some general statement that people could support them by becoming members. So, I asked the staff person what the cost of membership was, and he wasn't sure - said he would get back to me. I then checked the website, and the membership categories were listed there, as was the mailing address, so I wrote a check for $20 and put it in the mail.
What organization was this?
The Land Foundation of McHenry County (now TLC)!
I recall this personal experience whenever we send out membership renewals, when we insert a giving envelope in the newsletter, and when we send out a special appeal towards the end of the year! You have to ask people for their support, or else how do they know that you need it?
Most people (not that I am saying YOU are "most people") would have quit after the staff person was unable to answer their question. Many others would not have tried to find the website! I'm not saying that I'm special, it's just that I'm probably more stubborn than most folks, so I kept trying until I figured it out! And then a year later, when I was the first full time Executive Director at TLC, I tried to make sure that none of our friends - or potential friends - were left wondering whether or not their support was needed!
So, if you are already a member, THANK YOU! Our members make it possible for TLC to accomplish the wonderful things we do! If you are not yet a member, please take a moment to join - we need you! Visit: http://www.conservemc.org/membership.htm
I recall this personal experience whenever we send out membership renewals, when we insert a giving envelope in the newsletter, and when we send out a special appeal towards the end of the year! You have to ask people for their support, or else how do they know that you need it?
Most people (not that I am saying YOU are "most people") would have quit after the staff person was unable to answer their question. Many others would not have tried to find the website! I'm not saying that I'm special, it's just that I'm probably more stubborn than most folks, so I kept trying until I figured it out! And then a year later, when I was the first full time Executive Director at TLC, I tried to make sure that none of our friends - or potential friends - were left wondering whether or not their support was needed!
So, if you are already a member, THANK YOU! Our members make it possible for TLC to accomplish the wonderful things we do! If you are not yet a member, please take a moment to join - we need you! Visit: http://www.conservemc.org/membership.htm